Welcome to Cagayan State University Library

Resources Portal

Announcement: This is the official website of Cagayan State University Library.


DOST STARBOOKS Online : Science and technology information is vast and numerous locally and globally. It encompasses and applies to many fields of study. Not many people realize that we live and breathe science and technology everyday—it is in the things we encounter day by day, it is in us. The Science and Technology Information Institute (STII) of the Department of Science and Technology is mandated by virtue of Executive Order 128 on January 30, 1987 generally to promote science and technology information in the country and accomplishes this by maintaining a physical library and producing multi-media promotions (print and video). The Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly-Operated Kiosk Stations (STARBOOKS) will be access portals in key areas in the Philippines where residents can have access to the scientific information physically available at DOST (SciNeT), Philippine eLib project sources, freely-available online resources, and subscribed databases (if any).