AACCUP Survey Visit in WPU

One of the major benefits of an accreditation is to make possible for an evaluated program to know its strengths and weaknesses and what aspects it needs develop. Mr. Ronaldo P. Sumait, as one of the AACCUP Accreditors, visited Western Philippines University (WPU), particularly Puerto Princesa City and Aborlan Campuses last September 5-9, 2016. As he experienced the incomparable hospitality of the WPUans, he also shares and at the same time gained best practices with regard to library operations. Customer satisfaction is attained when library resources meet the information needs of the clientele -- forwarded at the easiest and fastest possible ways. Nowadays, technological innovations play a vital role in the delivery of library services and its operations. To ensure that the research requirements of the patrons are conveyed whenever needed, the quality and quantity of the available reference materials should be a top priority for the attainment of the program and institutional goals.
- CSU-Andrews Library Recognition
- Campus Library Recognition
- DSWD Region 02 Recognized CSU and the University Librarian
- Subscribed Online Databases Shared to the Academe
- BSP-KRN Launching and MOU Signing
- PLAI Annual National Congress 2017
- Students General Orientation
- Books Donation: Learning Resource Center of Brgy. Larion Bajo
- Installation of Integrated Library System
- AACCUP Survey Visit
- International Women's Month
- Library Committee Meeting
- Library Book Fair
- RFID Training-Seminar
- AACCUP Survey Visit in WPU
- University Library - Ranked #1 Frontline Service Provider
- Destiny Drill Down 3D
- Web OPAC
- Office Interfacing & Reference Coding Workshop
- CSU Personnel Attended Training in Cebu
- ARTA Act: Dynamic Approach to Responsive and Excellent Service
- Seminar-Workshop on Corporate Image and Professional Ethics
- PLAI National Congress 2015
- Formulation of the Library Manual
- PLAI-CaVRLC Librarians' Conference 2015
- Manila International Book Fair 2015
- University Library Personnel Training
- The EISI Product Roadshow
- PLAI-CaVRLC Librarians' Forum 2015
- Benchmarking and GAD Seminar